
Great arena 6 decks
Great arena 6 decks

The player that brought it – Bonzu – ended with a 6-3 score, let’s see what this deck is all about! Teemo Tryndamere, a deck I never expected to be in the Open Rounds was played on the Asian server. Pirates deck is the ideal pick if you’re looking to target Zed Poppy – the addition of Arachnoid Sentry means the deck will also hold its ground against Sion Draven and Plunder matchups. Lastly, the list runs both Dreadway Deckhand and Make it Rain, two cards that work well together early game, especially against low health units. Noxian Fervor and Decimate are your finisher cards once you’ve put your opponent at low enough health, Prodigy’s list also runs 3 Double Up.

great arena 6 decks

Once you’ve dealt your early unit damage, now it’s time for phase two – go directly after their Nexus with some burn. Gangplank is your mid-game champion, although having him leveled up will most likely seal the deal with the additional damage he deals, you might find yourself playing him before he levels up, the Overwhelm damage might just be good enough to set up for the burn plan along with the Powder Keg he’ll summon. Miss Fortune Gangplank starts off with an aggressive early game, swarming the board with cheap units like Corsair Crackshot, Legion Rearguard, and Legion Saboteur that’ll push in a lot of early damage if not dealt with. It is clear that not a single Poppy Zed player was happy to encounter that line-up. Prodigy’s line-up brings both those burn decks together along with Draven Sion as the third choice. Miss Fortune Gangplank used to be at the top of the meta back in the day, but it slowly fell off with the rise of Zoe Lee Sin and Zoe Nami, and nowadays Poppy Ziggs has overtaken its spot as the go-to burn aggressive deck. They went 7-2 in the Open Rounds and the Pirates ended up banned 3 times during their run. Good old Miss Fortune Gangplank Pirates deck, brought by Prodigy from the American shard. The Freeze spells along with the Recall effect can be enough for you to start setting up your win condition and taking over the game.

great arena 6 decks

Minah Swiftfoot can turn into a finisher herself, shifting the board-state to your favor in one action.įeel The Minah is a perfect choice if you’re looking to target line-ups that run Draven Sion, Thralls, or Teemo Swain. Will of Ionia and Minah Swiftfoot can set your opponent behind on-board presence, slowing down their win conditions. The deck is great at stalling, especially against archetypes that depend on high-cost finishers. Ramp cards like Faces of the Old Ones and Catalyst of Aeons help accelerate your game plan to get to the point where you can play your high-cost units or Feel The Rush.īlighted Ravine and Avalanche are your AoE removal cards that make sure your opponent can’t just go wide with units on the board.Ĭhampions with Overwhelm is your main source of damage, they will act as your primary win condition.

great arena 6 decks

He ended up going 7-2 just enough to make it as one of the top 32 players that’ll move on to the playoffs.įeel The Minah is a control deck that looks to punish lists that rely on expensive units to win the game. This version of Feel The Minah with 3 Trundle, 2 Tryndamere, and a Sejuani was brought to the Open Rounds by MajiinBae, Cosmic Creations Seasonal Tournament winner. The deck performs well into aggressive decks, Draven Sion, and Zoe Lee Sin. You’ll set up to close out the game with either your board units or the cards you’ll end up copying from your opponent’s hand. You’ll eventually run your opponent out of resources while making existing cards in their hand much bothersome to play with the Prank debuffs they’ll receive. Shellfolk synergizes with Pranks and with your cards such as Loping Telescope, Spacey Sketcher, and Supercool Starchart. The idea of the deck isn’t to really win with Poppy but to prolong the game, put early pressure, and then play Curious Shelfolk for the value. If you manage to get a Poppy on the board she will buff up those cheap units and turn them into a force to reckon with.

great arena 6 decks

While playing those cheap units you are still Invoking/Manifesting cards that’ll create resources for later turns. Zoe Poppy Shelfolk focuses on going wide on the board with cheap units like Spacey Sketcher, Conchologist, Loping Telescope, and Starry Scamp to help stall out the game. We’re kicking it off with Zoe Poppy Shelfolk that was brought by BlowMyNexus along with Fizz Vi Glorious Shelfock and Jayce Heimer Ionia.

Great arena 6 decks