
Circle astrology chart
Circle astrology chart

  1. #Circle astrology chart how to
  2. #Circle astrology chart pdf

The profundity of the Chinese Tradition is found in the direct experience that everything is in a constant process of change (qi) - as opposed to the particulars (names) of what qi is changing into.Ĭhinese Polestar (Natal) Astrology looks specifically at the qi of an individual’s character and fate pattern. It is important to understand the imagery of the 12 zodiac animals and 5 elements are simply a metaphoric language describing the facets and flavors of change itself the real nature of our experience is a constantly unfolding, non-solidified, un-abiding movement of qi. Chinese Astrology developed as a means to describe and interact with the on-going flavors of movement (qi) using imagery and mathematics (e.g. Due to qi's tendency to be cyclical and repetitive in nature (like the unending constant changing of day to night / night to day or the 4 seasons), it becomes possible to name and characterize qi. This patterning of movement is termed ‘qi’ (pronounced chee) in the Chinese Tradition and has no English language equivalent. The Chinese Tradition characterizes Nature / The World / Humans as a single interconnected on-going cyclical patterning of self-arising and self-resolving movement.

circle astrology chart

#Circle astrology chart pdf

The entire course was taught over 2 years and comprises 46 class recordings (124 hours of lecture in total) with PDF class notes for study and reference.

#Circle astrology chart how to

In this series entitled 'Polestar Astrology' (also known as Zi Wei Dou Shu or Purple Star Astrology), Liu Ming teaches how to create and read a Chinese Polestar Natal Chart according to the Song Dynasty system of Astrology.

Circle astrology chart